Devices Defined

AT&T has worked with and evaluated thousands of devices, modules and chipsets, so chances are our team can recommend an existing device that will meet your requirements. If you are considering a custom-built device as a means of addressing cost or capability requirements, we can provide recommendations and guidance to industry resources that will assist you with concept, module selection and chipset selection.

  • Devices

    In the world of Telcton, the term "device" specifically refers to the equipment that provides monitoring or control capability.

  • Modules

    Wireless communication between devices and the cloud, or dedicated network, is handled by a radio frequency (RF) module that is typically included on commercially available devices.

  • Get Certified

    Get Certified labs are crucial for various testing and experimentation processes, as they provide standardized environments and equipment to ensure accurate and reliable results. Having access to labs can be essential for research, development, quality control, and regulatory compliance.

  • Chipsets

    Much like a module, wireless communication between devices and the cloud, or dedicated network, is handled also by a radio frequency (RF) chipset that is typically included on commercially available devices.


Why Get Network Ready with AT&T

Our AT&T Network Ready team helps you navigate your device through the AT&T process to become network ready and ensure your data is ready for network operation. We have proven technology partners to assist you with device needs, as well as a team to help you work through best practices and each step of the AT&T certification process.

3rd Party Labs & Resources

AT&T works with various labs to help our device partners efficiently become Network Ready, offering PTCRB, Telcron Network Certified & FCC certification and guidance for antennas. Click for a list of labs offering PTCRB/INC certification services.

Telcron Data Plans

Being AT&T Network Ready will also help with your connectivity plan. For specific plan information visit our Telcron Data Plans site.

Technology Roadmap With the advent of LTE-M, there’s a significant decrease in cost available to device developers.
Click here to view our Technology Roadmap - our perspective on where technology is heading.